Friday, 26 November 2010

The Yvonne Rainer Project (BFI Gallery, London)

Interview with Chantal Pontbriand curator of The Yvonne Rainer Project (BFI Gallery, London)

Friday, 12 November 2010

High Society at The Wellcome Institute

Joshua White

(foreground) De Historia stirpivm, Leonard Fuchs (Basel, 1542) Wellcome Library
(background) Frolic by Huang Yong Ping (2008)

Joshua with his back to us and Seth of The Joshua Light Show

Joshua White describes his Light Show

Co-designer of The Joshua Light Show Seth Kirby
and interviews with High Society's curators

Monday, 8 November 2010

Ancient Egyptian Book of the Dead (British Museum)

Outer coffin of Henutmehyt - the Chantress of Amun (about 1250BC)

Ancient Egyptian Book of the Dead (British Museum)

Senet board of Amenmes (a game that was frequently placed in the tombs of elite individuals so they could play the game in the afterlife)

The Coffin of Inpehefnakht (about 1000BC)

The coffin of Horaawesheb painted with 'Protective entities' (about 900 BC)

Africa United (press conference 54th BFI London Film Festival)

Roger Nsengiyumva at the press conference for

Yves Dusenge

Sanyu Joanita Kintu

Eriya Ndayambaje (L), Sherrie Silver (R)

Eriya Ndayambaje

Aicon Gallery, London

Saad Qurwshi in front of one of his Untitled series, Disappearing in Yesterday

Anwar Saeed: Habits of Being
(i guess artists these days get younger and younger ;)